the One who sings our life
SLOW STORY perpetuates the orality of tribal American people for future generations by bridging the ancient technology of Native oral tradition culture with today's digital technologies. Learning to listen as a honed skill is at ground zero. With the alarming decline in the orality of tribal American people, we are looking for listeners. SLOW STORY is a movement to slow down, to regenerate and learn to listen with our hearts.
Historically, indigenous peoples have lived intimately rooted in regenerative circles of life. Today’s industrialized societies disconnect us from these natural systems critical for survival. The forming of this nation from sea to shining sea forced the indigenous people from their homelands - tipping the balance. From that time past through the years arriving up to the present how does one begin to make sense of all that has transpired across this land? How do we restore the healthy root and heal the uprootedness of a nation?
Just like the Slow Food movement, which advocates fair, healthy, local food, Slow Story advocates endangered story listening. For it’s not the stories and storytellers that are vanishing rather the Story Listeners.

The Slow Story video series with Larry Littlebird regenerates the ancient circle of the consecrated storyteller and the story listener. Eleven story episodes offer an extraordinary opportunity for story listeners to have rare access to a rich story depository from Littlebird's tribal American oral tradition.
Join Pueblo Indian Elder/Master Storyteller, Larry Littlebird on this story journey as he shares cultural life-way stories, songs, story prophecies and ways of blessing on his ancestral lands in New Mexico.

"LISTENERS all want one thing: something to hope for. Something that will satisfy a gnawing hunger, quench a deep thirst, heal and restore life. Even in an immensely challenging time where the tribal orality of my Native people is at ground zero and against seemingly impossible odds, hope flickers. It may be a tiny flame, however listeners become the spark that will bring fresh fire. Quietly, around small lodge fires, the great stories are still being told. Their good healing power requires story-listeners, who breathe on them with a kind of breath that comes from the spirit still alive in this land." Larry Littlebird
Two subscription options
$60: 6-month subscription with unlimited access
$90: 12-month subscription with unlimited access (25% savings)
Episode 1: Walking Backward into the Future
Episode 2: It All Begins with Water
Episode 3: Ka'weh - Snow
Episode 4: Listening Circle | The Ant People
Episode 5: Sister Moons and The Early Morning Firemaker
Episode 6: When Animals Could Talk
Episode 7: Children Born for Peace
Episode 8: Feeding the People
Episode 9: Listening Circle | Coyote Gathers His People
Episode 10: Return of the Horse
Episode 11: If Stones Could Speak
ACCESS: Once we receive your payment, we will email your access Password to SLOW STORY SERIES
YOUR SUBSCRIPTION: (6 or 12-month option) includes unlimited access to episodes from sign-up date. All sales are final.
Slow Story videos are produced by Hamaatsa and remain in our archives. Due to the cultural sensitivity of the stories, they are not available for purchase or download. All sales are final
TECHNICAL SUPPORT: If you have a good internet/wi-fi connection to view videos on sites like YouTube and Vimeo you are good to go! If you have technical issues, please email us at: littlebird@hamaatsa.org. This is a small in-house production, so please be patient with our response time which may take 1-2 days.
TELLING A STORY is like pulling a haze away from a mountain. For tribal American people, the storyteller is a consecrated person who must remain both humble enough to carry ancient tales accurately and honestly and wise enough to put life into the way the story is told. It is in the stories that perceptions are made clear and the haze is burned away. When a person has a chance to hear a story, they have the opportunity to learn by performing the act of listening carefully. Then someday in the course of hearing many stories, you gain understanding and use the stories to become a richer and more full human being from taking in all the gifts the story has to give. - Larry Littlebird